Transcript below
Who’s a good fit for tunnel vision recovery? And I think that’s a great question because rehab isn’t always for everybody, and not every rehab is for everybody. With tunnel vision recovery, we’re not a vacation destination.
We’re not a daycare or a summer camp where people can go and escape their life’s miseries. We’re a place where you learn how to cope with life’s miseries. So if you’re not willing to do the work first on yourself, And then get to actual physical work so that you can better reintegrate with the community and build a greater sense of connection, we’re not a fit for you.
And we’re never going to accommodate people unwilling to go to work. So, if you’re willing to go to work for yourself first, you know, do that self-care and gain that introspective self-reflection. Delve deep into therapy, gain insights into yourself through psycho-educational groups, and build connections and foster meaningful relationships with your peers.
That only takes a month to start getting into. So, it doesn’t make sense after a month if you’re not actively searching for a job and quickly attaining one. We’re probably not the best place for you
because we believe that work is essential to recovery to gaining that sense of self-efficacy, to that self-efficacy leading to a greater sense of autonomy, and those two fundamental principles leading to a more significant amount of reintegration. We think those three pillars are essential to long-term recovery.
And that work is a fundamental part of that. So if you aren’t willing to get off your butt and do it, then we’re not the place for you. We’re not going to sit there and collect on your insurance and hold your hand and tell you that you’re special because you probably are, but not for the ways you think you are.